Cappuccino: 0.7
Francisco Tolmasky's assigned tickets
5 tickets open
- #190 CPTextField's 'controlTextDidChange:' delegate doesn't work @to-review appkit cptextfield patch open
- #174 CPButton's sizeToFit method setting height too high @acknowledged cpbutton assigned
- #191 CPTextField shifts up/down when receives/losts focus @to-review cptextfield firefox safari review
- #270 index-debug.html raises 404 0.7b @to-acknowledge application-templates capp new
- #281 typo in CPTableView.j @to-review appkit new
Ross Boucher's assigned tickets
1 ticket open
- #267 Floating panels unmovable @to-acknowledge assigned
Tom Robinson's assigned tickets
1 ticket open
- #271 Press broken in 0.7b 0.7b @acknowledged press open
Unassigned tickets
2 tickets open
- #256 longer than 100 characters. @to-acknowledge ant build install-tools new
- #268 CPTextFields generated by nib2cib aren't correctly sized. @acknowledged cptextfield nib2cib verify
Closed Tickets
✔ #114
'Browser don't support JS' - message@to-review javascript noscript ✓resolved -
✔ #206
Add faux shadow support for browsers that don't support it (like Firefox)@new-features ✓resolved -
✔ #235
Bug: Infinite loop in [CPView isHiddenOrHasHiddenAncestors]@to-review appkit bug cpview ✓resolved -
✔ #228
CPValue : implement valueWithRect:/rectValue@to-review appkit cpvalue ✓hold -
✔ #142
CPMenuItems send actions with nil sender@needanswer ✓resolved -
✔ #227
CAMediaTimingFunction@to-review appkit cpanimation ✓resolved -
✔ #242
*keyView support@needanswer @needtest @to-acknowledge @to-review @working-on cptextfield cpview cpwindow patch ✓resolved -
✔ #257
Debug string in CPTextField.j@acknowledged cptextfield ✓resolved -
✔ #251
Implementation of CPRectIntegral@to-review appkit cprect ✓invalid -
✔ #240
Typos in TOOLS-README@to-review documentation ✓resolved -
✔ #246
Docs for CPAttributedString@to-review ✓resolved -
✔ #254
bug in -[CPSet initWithSet:]@to-review cpset foundation tdparsekit ✓resolved -
✔ #237
CPTextField setPlaceholderString Color@new-features ✓resolved -
✔ #23
Close Control Does Not Display In Custom Windows@to-review appkit bug ✓invalid -
✔ #222
CPResizableWindowMask adds a titelbar@needanswer ✓invalid -
✔ #220
Typo in CPPopUpButton indexOfItemWithRepresentedObject@to-review appkit cppopupbutton ✓resolved -
✔ #245
CPAttributedString replaceCharactersInRange:withString: bug@needtest ✓resolved -
✔ #214
CPColor hexToRGB doesn't support CSS-style colors with 3 chars@to-review enhancement foundation ✓resolved -
✔ #218
error text in objj_preprocessor.prototype.selector incorrect@to-review ✓resolved -
✔ #224
PATCH] -[CPDate initWithDateSince1970:]@to-review cpdate ✓resolved
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The Cappuccino Web Framework, including AppKit, Foundation, and Objective-J.