#43 ✓resolved
Kelvin Sherlock

CPButton sizeToFit with border

Reported by Kelvin Sherlock | September 16th, 2008 @ 07:18 AM

the CPButton sizeToFit method doesn't work well when there is a border -- the height is wrong and the width doesn't adjust for the left/right images.

  • (void)sizeToFit { [_imageAndTitleView sizeToFit];

    var frame = [_imageAndTitleView frame],

    height = CGRectGetHeight(frame),
    width = CGRectGetWidth(frame),
    if (_isBordered) {
    bezelSizes = _CPButtonBezelStyleSizes[_CPButtonClassName + _CPButtonBezelStyleIdentifiers[_bezelStyle]];
    height = bezelSizes [[1]](/projects/16499/changesets/1 "Changeset #1").height;
    width += bezelSizes [[0]](/projects/16499/changesets/0 "Changeset #0").width + bezelSizes [[2]](/projects/16499/changesets/2 "Changeset #2").width;


    [self setFrameSize:CGSizeMake(width, height)]; }

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