Francisco Tolmasky
was created by Francisco Tolmasky
Monday Sep 08
ticket - Unable to install Cappuccino Tools was updated by Francisco Tolmasky 01:54 AM ticket
- Image Button Breaks in Firefox was updated by Francisco Tolmasky 01:53 AM ticket
- cmd-n (new page) in Safari does not work was updated by Francisco Tolmasky 01:52 AM ticket
- Finish setting up lighthouse. was updated by Francisco Tolmasky 01:50 AM ticket
- .sj - Compatible Minimizer Necessary was updated by Francisco Tolmasky 01:50 AM ticket
- Partial, working CPScanner and CPCharacterSet. was updated by Francisco Tolmasky 01:49 AM ticket
Actually center the loading icon. Sug...
was committed by tlrobinson
Sunday Sep 07
changeset - Removed accidentally committed Google... was committed by tlrobinson 11:18 PM changeset
Google analytics tracker in bake templatewas updated by Francisco Tolmasky 11:18 PM ticket