Changeset [c65e3d4e6d2267866a1c9e2a77e80256c25ef76c] by Ross Boucher

June 9th, 2010 @ 11:23 AM

Committed by Ross Boucher

  • A Tests/Manual/SimpleBindings2/AppController.j
  • A Tests/Manual/SimpleBindings2/Info.plist
  • A Tests/Manual/SimpleBindings2/index-debug.html
  • A Tests/Manual/SimpleBindings2/index.html
  • A Tests/Manual/SimpleBindings2/main.j
  • R Tests/AppKit/SimpleBindings2/AppController.j
  • R Tests/AppKit/SimpleBindings2/Info.plist
  • R Tests/AppKit/SimpleBindings2/index-debug.html
  • R Tests/AppKit/SimpleBindings2/index.html
  • R Tests/AppKit/SimpleBindings2/main.j
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The Cappuccino Web Framework, including AppKit, Foundation, and Objective-J.

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