Changeset [c29a54e21a6371e50efa2df7901dabdbfd77bfdf] by Aparajita Fishman
January 26th, 2013 @ 04:32 PM
More work on child windows
- Popovers are implemented as child windows.
- Renamed CPAttachedWindow/_CPAttachedWindowView to _CPPopoverWindow/CPPopoverWindowView, since that is its only use.
- The default for CPView -acceptsFirstMouse is now NO, per Cocoa. Subclasses override this as necessary.
- _CPWindowView -hitTest returns self it the mouse is within a resize region, which may be outside the window's frame.
- Fixed an off by one bug in CPDomWindowLayer -insertWindow:atIndex:, where inserting a visible window behind a window it is already behind would cause it to move up one from its intended position.
- Updated the ChildWindows and CPPopover test apps.
Committed by Aparajita Fishman
- A AppKit/CPWindow/_CPPopoverWindowView.j
- A AppKit/_CPPopoverWindow.j
- R AppKit/CPWindow/_CPAttachedWindowView.j
- R AppKit/_CPAttachedWindow.j
- M AppKit/CPApplication.j
- M AppKit/CPColorPanel.j
- M AppKit/CPControl.j
- M AppKit/CPMenu/_CPMenuBarWindow.j
- M AppKit/CPPopover.j
- M AppKit/CPView.j
- M AppKit/CPWindow/CPWindow.j
- M AppKit/CPWindow/_CPWindow.j
- M AppKit/CPWindow/_CPWindowView.j
- M AppKit/Cib/_CPCibWindowTemplate.j
- M AppKit/Platform/DOM/CPDOMWindowLayer.j
- M AppKit/Platform/DOM/CPPlatformWindow+DOM.j
- M AppKit/_CPImageAndTextView.j
- M Tests/Manual/CPPopover/AppController.j
- M Tests/Manual/CPPopover/Resources/MainMenu.cib
- M Tests/Manual/CPPopover/Resources/MainMenu.xib
- M Tests/Manual/ChildWindows/AppController.j
- M Tests/Manual/ChildWindows/Resources/MainMenu.cib
- M Tests/Manual/ChildWindows/Resources/MainMenu.xib
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The Cappuccino Web Framework, including AppKit, Foundation, and Objective-J.