Changeset [9a2d079beed086bd899c571a8d6b8794b576f022] by Aparajita Fishman

March 10th, 2011 @ 12:03 PM

lint the template files, update setFullBridge (deprecated) to setFullPlatformWindow

Committed by Aparajita Fishman

  • M Tools/capp/Resources/Templates/Application/index-debug.html
  • M Tools/capp/Resources/Templates/Application/index.html
  • M Tools/capp/Resources/Templates/NibApplication/AppController.j
  • M Tools/capp/Resources/Templates/NibApplication/index-debug.html
  • M Tools/capp/Resources/Templates/NibApplication/index.html
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The Cappuccino Web Framework, including AppKit, Foundation, and Objective-J.

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