Changeset [8e1bbe01326c7c79b5533d38d4155190fd5a2f11] by Alexander Ljungberg

August 22nd, 2011 @ 11:59 AM

Merge pull request #1345 from primalmotion/cappuccino

This patch allow to send play message before
the sound is actually loaded (by remembering the play request
and playing the sound when loaded if needed)

this allows to do:

`objj var sound = [[CPSound alloc] initWithContentsOfURL:aSoundURL byReference:NO]; [sound play];`

Committed by Alexander Ljungberg

  • A AppKit/CPPopover.j
  • A AppKit/CPWindow/_CPAttachedWindowView.j
  • A AppKit/_CPAttachedWindow.j
  • A Tests/Manual/CPPopover/AppController.j
  • A Tests/Manual/CPPopover/Info.plist
  • A Tests/Manual/CPPopover/Jakefile
  • A Tests/Manual/CPPopover/Resources/spinner.gif
  • A Tests/Manual/CPPopover/index-debug.html
  • A Tests/Manual/CPPopover/index.html
  • A Tests/Manual/CPPopover/main.j
  • A Tools/nib2cib/NSPopover.j
  • M AppKit/AppKit.j
  • M AppKit/CPAlert.j
  • M AppKit/CPBox.j
  • M AppKit/CPSound.j
  • M AppKit/CPTableView.j
  • M AppKit/CPWindow/CPWindow.j
  • M Foundation/CPArray+KVO.j
  • M Foundation/CPArray/_CPJavaScriptArray.j
  • M Tools/nib2cib/NSAppKit.j
  • M Tools/xcodecapp-cocoa/AppController.m
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The Cappuccino Web Framework, including AppKit, Foundation, and Objective-J.

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