Changeset [71763d041bebb18d2c046907554a6e7fd49cea78] by Alexander Ljungberg

May 11th, 2011 @ 03:04 PM

Committed by Alexander Ljungberg

  • A AppKit/CPWindow/_CPAttachedWindowView.j
  • A AppKit/Resources/CPAttachedWindow/attached-window-button-close-highlighted.png
  • A AppKit/Resources/CPAttachedWindow/attached-window-button-close.png
  • A AppKit/_CPAttachedWindow.j
  • A AppKit/_CPToolTip.j
  • A Tests/Manual/CPToolTip/AppController.j
  • A Tests/Manual/CPToolTip/Info.plist
  • A Tests/Manual/CPToolTip/Jakefile
  • A Tests/Manual/CPToolTip/Resources/spinner.gif
  • A Tests/Manual/CPToolTip/Resources/test.png
  • A Tests/Manual/CPToolTip/index-debug.html
  • A Tests/Manual/CPToolTip/index.html
  • A Tests/Manual/CPToolTip/main.j
  • M AppKit/AppKit.j
  • M AppKit/CPControl.j
  • M AppKit/CPToolbar.j
  • M AppKit/CPWindow/CPWindow.j
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The Cappuccino Web Framework, including AppKit, Foundation, and Objective-J.

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