Changeset [675e9829bd50332a7adcc60e6bb3436de05e0e4f] by cacaodev

July 28th, 2010 @ 11:49 AM

CPSearchField: Fixes (per cocoa)
- Do not override search button action, catch mouse events in mouseDown: instead. - Do not resign first responder on searchfield when showing the context menu - Give more space between search button and insertion point - Do not add search string to recents searches when typing and sendsWholeString == NO, only on enter. - Select all text when showing the menu or after selecting a recent search in the menu - Support custom search/cancel buttons and custom layout - Allow images in template menu items - Updated Test App with custom buttons

Committed by cacaodev

  • M AppKit/CPSearchField.j
  • M Tests/Manual/CPSearchField/AppController.j
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