Changeset [5335a611a003765e753ae93917618684aa6ad660] by Alexander Ljungberg

August 19th, 2010 @ 07:55 PM

Committed by Alexander Ljungberg

  • A AppKit/Themes/Aristo/Resources/alert-error.png
  • A AppKit/Themes/Aristo/Resources/alert-info.png
  • A AppKit/Themes/Aristo/Resources/alert-warning.png
  • R AppKit/Themes/Aristo/Resources/dialog-error.png
  • R AppKit/Themes/Aristo/Resources/dialog-icons-LICENSE
  • R AppKit/Themes/Aristo/Resources/dialog-information.png
  • R AppKit/Themes/Aristo/Resources/dialog-warning.png
  • M AppKit/Themes/Aristo/ThemeDescriptors.j
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The Cappuccino Web Framework, including AppKit, Foundation, and Objective-J.

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