Changeset [3947bd65f2718408c8d505e2ae95b6f1627ef937] by Francisco Ryan Tolmasky I

December 24th, 2010 @ 11:01 PM

Reimplementation of CPSet as a class-cluster, and better set support for valueForKey:

  1. CPSet and CPMutableSet are now abstract super classes that create appropriate concrete subclasses behind the scenes.
  2. CPSet subclassers need only implement -count, -member:, and -objectEnumerator.
  3. CPMutableSet subclassers need only implement -count, -member:, -objectEnumerator:, -addObject:, and removeObject:.
  4. Added more CPSet tests.
  5. Added _CPKeyValueCodingSet which subclasses CPSet for set returns in valueForKey:.

Reviewed by me.

Committed by Francisco Ryan Tolmasky I

  • M Foundation/CPCountedSet.j
  • M Foundation/CPKeyValueCoding.j
  • M Foundation/CPSet+KVO.j
  • M Foundation/CPSet.j
  • M Tests/Foundation/CPSetTest.j
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