Changeset [0c4ce1e756ff2864af900f03e5a2482de43f048d] by Aparajita Fishman

September 15th, 2010 @ 10:28 PM

Additions to the theme API to open it up to developers and provide access to theme attributes defined in ThemeDescriptors.j:

  • Current theme blend is available via CPApplication -themeBlend.

  • List of themes is available via CPApplication -themes.

  • CPThemeBlend adds the following methods:


  • CPTheme adds a number of methods to access theme attributes:

attributeWithName:forClass: (was _attributeWithName:forClass:)

Committed by Aparajita Fishman

  • A Tests/Manual/ThemeBrowser/AppController.j
  • A Tests/Manual/ThemeBrowser/Info.plist
  • A Tests/Manual/ThemeBrowser/Resources/MainMenu.cib
  • A Tests/Manual/ThemeBrowser/Resources/MainMenu.xib
  • A Tests/Manual/ThemeBrowser/Resources/spinner.gif
  • A Tests/Manual/ThemeBrowser/SCMultiLineLabel.j
  • A Tests/Manual/ThemeBrowser/SCString.j
  • A Tests/Manual/ThemeBrowser/index-debug.html
  • A Tests/Manual/ThemeBrowser/index.html
  • A Tests/Manual/ThemeBrowser/main.j
  • M AppKit/CPApplication.j
  • M AppKit/CPTheme.j
  • M AppKit/CPThemeBlend.j
  • M AppKit/CPView.j
  • M AppKit/CoreGraphics/CGGeometry.h
  • M AppKit/CoreGraphics/CGGeometry.j
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The Cappuccino Web Framework, including AppKit, Foundation, and Objective-J.

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